Rules Of Videoetry


1. Use your own photos and/or video.

2. Use your own poetry or words to describe your


3. Use your own musical creation, or if you use

someone else's, do NOT exceed 30 seconds.

Who wants to make a cute videoetry of these items to post on my site? Hmmm? That would be fun!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Rules of Videoetry


I have created this site to highlight some of my own works (poetry, photography and videography), but really would love to have others share their talents here as well.  If you have created (or wish to create) a Youtube channel devoted to videoetry media and would like for me to showcase your work, comment and we can figure out how to do it.  (I'm thinking to highlight your channel in my sidebar.)

One must have guidelines for these things.  One that was brought to my attention by the fine folks at Youtube is that you cannot go over 30 seconds of a recorded song!  Took a little shaving off of the music in one of my videoetries to make them happy and me within the scope of the law.

Also, no one should submit pornographic images or vulgar language material.  A lot of things can be said cleanly! 

In this age of free self expression using the web, my goal is spread creativity all around. It makes the world a better place!  And this site will hopefully be a tool for videoetrophers everywhere!

Ciao for now!

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