Rules Of Videoetry


1. Use your own photos and/or video.

2. Use your own poetry or words to describe your


3. Use your own musical creation, or if you use

someone else's, do NOT exceed 30 seconds.

Who wants to make a cute videoetry of these items to post on my site? Hmmm? That would be fun!

Monday, December 3, 2012

"Diamonds" Music Video on Videoetry

Hi Everyone!

It's over and Alexandra Patsavas didn't ask to put my song on the Breaking Dawn, Part 2 soundtrack (LOL!).  The Twilight series of books by Stephenie Meyer (and subsequent movies ) have been extremely enjoyable!  And made me write a song, so I put the music video on Videoetry.  

Sorry Videoetry followers who are used to my poetry and video music.  I wrote this for the Eclipse movie with a dream of Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart singing a duet.  Alas, it will remain a fantasy. :( 

In case there are other TwiHards who would like to help, the Forks Branch of the North Olympic Library System is in need of a roof!  They were awesome to chat with folks in my library a couple of weeks ago to talk about how Twilight has affected the Forks community.  I plan to help them out.  Hope you will, too.

Have a wonderful Christmas season!  The Hager Bunch Christmas video will be out soon.


Sunday, September 2, 2012

BoonePratt's Word Cypher Contest Gives Me A Mention

Hi All!

I have been a terrible blogger - terrible everything lately - with my summer in overdrive!  Ahh, with the cooler weather and fall colors beginning to peep through, maybe I can get back in the swing of things.  I've missed my videoetries!

Had to share my excitement about a word cypher I entered on BoonePratt's site that snagged me an honorable mention.  Actually, he talked about my entry and was even singing my tune, and that means more than winning in my book.  Check it out!

BoonePratt's Word Cypher Winners and Honorable Mention (Me!)

And for the video, here you go -

Ciao for now!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

"Chat With Sam" Gets A Reboot!

I know you have to be laughing if you have followed my Videoetry blog for awhile.  I have relaunched my featured video for today not once, twice, but THREE times since its inception.  There's a song in there somewhere.  Right, Commodores?

It all began when I saw Barrie Howard perform as Mark Twain last weekend.  I was so inspired from "meeting" my idol, that I had to relaunch this videoetry. I created it from photographs I took while in Santa Fe, NM. 

With my former videoetry incarnations about Samuel Clemens, Youtube had busted my hump over copyright use.  This relaunch has not only my poem and photographs, but I also wrote the song that is performed by my good friend, Joseph Hasty. 

Hope you enjoy "Chat With Sam". 

Please remember, I would be glad to utilize your poetry, photographs, video, or song in subsequent videoetries.  Collaboration is awesome!

Ciao for now!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

“Winter Myst” – Misty Fog Covers Secrets Hidden Underneath

Hi All!

Did you miss me? 

My goodness, I have been a busy beaver lately. If you’re not aware, I have a new Youtube channel with  partner, Sean Rutkowski, called Slider Cat Adventures.   It’s been keeping me busy, as well as life in general!  Be sure to check out Slider Cat Adventures at

Today’s videoetry was created from photographs I had been holding for a couple of months.  I took the photos at sunrise off of my deck when a heavy fog covered the valley.  And there I was stuck about what to write regarding them.

Then I met someone recently who touched me with a story of an embattled youth, a youth scarred by abuse.  You always know there is more to the people you meet than what is shown on the outside.  Hence, the metaphor of the mist that covers what is underneath – for good and for bad.

Hope you enjoy it.  Click here to view "Winter Myst".

Ciao for now!