Rules Of Videoetry


1. Use your own photos and/or video.

2. Use your own poetry or words to describe your


3. Use your own musical creation, or if you use

someone else's, do NOT exceed 30 seconds.

Who wants to make a cute videoetry of these items to post on my site? Hmmm? That would be fun!

Monday, February 21, 2011

It's Monday...Need a "Lift"?

Happy Monday to you!

First, I would like to invite you to bookmark or subscribe to my blog!  And/or the YouTube Videoetry channel!   It would be an honor to have you on board.

Today, I thought I would dig back in the archives and highlight one of the first videoetries I posted.  It doesn't even have my fashionable tag at the end of it, LOL. 

When my family and I arrived after dark in Driggs, ID, we had no idea that behind our hotel, the Tetons were standing guard.  And we didn't know that on that weekend every year, they have a huge balloon festival right behind the hotel.  And we didn't know our room was on the back of the hotel.

So, imagine if you will waking up to huffing and puffing balloon furnaces (or whatever they're called), looking out the window to see humongous, multicolored balloons expanding in the early morning light and, beyond that, the Grand Tetons outlined in the sunrise.  Serendipitous to say the least!

I squealed in delight and called my mother - thankful they were 2 hours later in the morning back East - to tell her what I was seeing.  And this little videoetry - with photography I know by my husband - lets you in on what we saw.

Ciao for now!

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