Rules Of Videoetry


1. Use your own photos and/or video.

2. Use your own poetry or words to describe your


3. Use your own musical creation, or if you use

someone else's, do NOT exceed 30 seconds.

Who wants to make a cute videoetry of these items to post on my site? Hmmm? That would be fun!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A New Kid In Town...


There's another videoetry person on board and I am honored that she allowed me to share her stufff. Her YouTube channel is EvaWilliams1988.  Here is her first videoetry  I have tried to add it to my Playlist on the Videoetry site, but this is a direct link. 

It is thrilling to have someone else give videoetry a try and I look forward to more from her in the future!  (Got that , Eva?!)

Ciao for now!

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